Tuesday, March 17, 2015

my GDC experience Ch 04

So to end wednesday night with a bang, I went to my first, and only party of this years GDC. There were parties happening everywhere, but I chose to attend the Epic Games party at a local bar. For those into this kind of scene, there was an open bar and dancing, and perhaps best of all confetti and a light show.

I no longer party as much as i at one time did, so although this was a fun experience, it was a bit louder than i would have liked, especially to network. I prefer the quiet one on one style talking i was experiencing in the CA lounge.  I guess that is a major pro versus con idea that attendees should weigh. Don't just go to parties because it is a cool environment, but really weigh what benefit going to said party may provide you. loud clubs aren't the best place for me, but for some they may be great.

Thursday and friday were more of the same awesomeness. Again, booths and booths of information. So much happening always. Thursday I had some time, so i spent most of it in line.

I stood in line for an hour for an 8 minute demo. It may sound a bit crazy, but it was wonderful. For one I spoke with an artist from gearbox about many of their awesome achievements. We joked about games looking so similar (space... the more space... then gritty space) and he told me about some cool programs to check out when working on projects. Eventually, the line did end, and then i put on a newer oculous prototype, and watched a video created by weta in conjunction with unreal and nvidia, meant to push the power of the systems. Having smaug walk around me threatening to kill me, is something i may not forget for some time to come. 

Most of the rest of my time, I spent walking around the expo floor. There was literally too much to see to describe. There were amazing things from all the popular engines pushing their work. Colleges vying for attention by showcasing their best work. Small companies doing amazing things with PBR, pushing render times to be instantaneous, and mobile games competing with last generation graphics, attempting to make their mark in the industry as viable gaming resources.

 To end thursday, which was kilt day, a couple of lead artist and designers at bioware, came to talk to CAs interested in working with them, and how to maybe better get ones foot into the industry.

Friday, came and went in a blur. I didn't get much time to take photos with a full day of work, but it followed suit with days prior. amazing talks, amazing people, and amazing fun. In the afternoon, before closing the GDC store discounted all of their stock, and it was swarmed with people eager to get souvenirs. To say goodbye to our Fellow CAs, was bittersweet, and we did so in a post mortem, where I met even more friends, and future colleagues, and won some free swag.
Saturday morning, I hopped on the Bart train line- got to the airport, and said goodbye to San francisco. Hope to see you next year.

In closing.... I think everyone even partially interesting in working in games NEEDS to go to GDC. This is an experience one cannot explain, but it is great. Yes, travel costs alone were a heft chunk of money, but it was worth it. I have made friends that i know i will have for a very long time to come, I have met people in the industry and am keeping on contact with them, and i am more driven in my art, then possibly ever before. I have more direction and purpose, and I think that is easy to lose as things get hectic. Being surrounded by so many creative and technical minds, all of whom I look up to was inspiring. If asked if i would do it again, the only response I can muster is an emphatic yes.

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