Before Ringling 2013

So before school starts up I decide I need to practice digital work, because having no skills in it whatsoever will not help me in the long run. Well I've used flash before, but vector painting the way i was used to is different than drawing in photoshop. I'm not getting into that right now.

so yeah- Digital painting before school.

first up we have some studies I did as speed painting type things, to try an just get a feeling for how the digital medium felt.

 So while I was working on those, some future college friends and I had a a few "art challenge" where we all drew based on a similar topic.

here were my results:

 Draw yourself as a mythological Creature:

Make a painting in the style of one of your favorite artists: (I tried to imitate surrealist styles)

Draw your favorite cation characters in another style: (Ren and Stimpy)  

Paint an environment:

Draw yourself as a superhero:

I did some more sketchbook drawings too, but these were the main pieces I did before school.

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