Acceptance Portfolio

It has been so long since I updated this blog I literarily forgot ever making it. Still, I was looking for a place to post my progress work as an artist, and this old thing will work just as well as making a new one.

So firstly, I got into the college of my dreams, Ringling College of Art and Design. Yes, bathe me in your compliments. I hunger for them. Anyway- in order to apply I had to create a portfolio, and submit it for judgement, so around 2012 I submitted my work to the school, got in, but was wait listed. A seat never opened up for me. Yes I know very sad.

Next fall, I began the process of reapplying and I have a few major edits to my pieces, and some new pieces to add, yet due to some type of confusion my portfolio from the prior year's admissions cycle gets resubmitted without any updates. Before I get a chance to sweat bullets, I get an acceptance letter in the mail. So as Bob Ross might say "It was a happy accident".

Without further a due- here is my accepted porfolio.

Now had I the chance to alter the portfolio, many of the pieces would have been the same, but there would be a tweak here and there. I kind of never got around to finishing the pieces, as once I got that acceptance letter I sort of got hit with the lazybug… still here is what I was GOING to do to the portfolio: 

first these would be prettier:

Then I would have added these in place of things I felt were less pretty.

Perhaps, had I added those pieces it would have looked less appealing to who ever did the reviewing, so maybe it was better my portfolio got submitted the way it did. All I care at this point, Is that I did get in. YAY!

So all of this is to say, based on the artwork you see about, in November 2012, I was accepted in Ringling College of Art and Design.

1 comment:

  1. Randy: I used to draw, so I do have art "exposure" and a deep appreciation for those that do well. In your case, I am really impressed and I think the less pretty stuff is very good as well.
