Monday, March 16, 2015

Explosive Fun

I'm not sure if anyone knows this, but i like it when things go boom. Blame the child in me who never grew up. Nonetheless i like it when i am given an opportunity to make thing explode.
so here I give you my cannon:

A surprisingly simple toy, it detects your position, detects how far you are from it, and then upon you getting close enough, it activates an inactive particle effect, waits for a specified amount of time, then spawns an actor with an impulse force behind it.

A timeline runs an animation on the cannon, adding kick back, and basically you have a cannon.

The ammo of the cannon, fire works, have three states based on their impact.
one is the slow burn. it ignites and hesitates before a force is applied.
two is fire away, the firework, fires off, no hesitation,
and lastly, with enough force, the fire work will simply go boom.

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