Monday, October 6, 2014

Creating a board game: Dragon Slayer

    • All for one; and free for all.
      The theme of dragon slayer can simply be understood as the power struggle to be the best. As was understood in the Highlander series, “there can be only one”. Only one player will leave this game victorious, but the best strategy to win is to work together for a common cause, knowing each player is likely to, at any moment turn against you to benefit their own needs. Be the first to turn the tides in your favor, and land the fatal blow to the dragon, to leave a legend. Trust no one to win.

                  Dragon slayer, being as it’s working title suggests, is a game about slaying dragons. This automatically sets a relative time period for the game, around the dark ages, into the medieval era. Though this could also arguably take place in feudal Asia, the issue would be that in their culture and myth, the dragon is a creature, which can be either good OR bad. It would be a more clear message that as your player you would want to defeat the dragon if it took place in Europe. So the time and setting are roughly medieval Europe.

      Some images to help form the idea are as follows:

Finally the color pallet for the game, would be vibrant though muted cooler colors; attempting to match what is perceived as medieval colors.

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