Thursday, October 30, 2014

Print and play "final"

So i over scoped.
I was able to get this much together, but I was not aware how much this all actually is.

any who, this is a fun little game about slaying a dragon. Get some friends together, cut out some paper, give the game a whirl, and enjoy.

In the near future I will re upload something a bit prettier, but enjoy this for what it is.

Dragon Deciept

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


This year has introduced me to many things; working digitally 3 dimensional perhaps being the most profound. Before this year I had never touched 3d software, so this is a journey for me. I am happy to say that I've been able to so far create a modular kit, and with a compilation kit made of mine and 12 other students kits, create a level. The world we are creating focuses on a concept of a research facility in space, where the researches happened upon a "relic".  It is a lot  of fun to see how this is fleshing out.

We Have begun the rather arduous process of making props for our modular kits. I was assigned ladders. you really don't realize what goes into an item until you are tasked with recreating it. I've always taken ladders for granted, but now I realize there are so many different ladders, for what appears different reasons. some are light and easy to move- others, study and solid. I think that is what I love about art, it forces you to understand the world around you. I'd like to think of artists as professional students.
seeing concepts become realities is always magical.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Creating a board game: Dragon Slayer

    • All for one; and free for all.
      The theme of dragon slayer can simply be understood as the power struggle to be the best. As was understood in the Highlander series, “there can be only one”. Only one player will leave this game victorious, but the best strategy to win is to work together for a common cause, knowing each player is likely to, at any moment turn against you to benefit their own needs. Be the first to turn the tides in your favor, and land the fatal blow to the dragon, to leave a legend. Trust no one to win.

                  Dragon slayer, being as it’s working title suggests, is a game about slaying dragons. This automatically sets a relative time period for the game, around the dark ages, into the medieval era. Though this could also arguably take place in feudal Asia, the issue would be that in their culture and myth, the dragon is a creature, which can be either good OR bad. It would be a more clear message that as your player you would want to defeat the dragon if it took place in Europe. So the time and setting are roughly medieval Europe.

      Some images to help form the idea are as follows:

Finally the color pallet for the game, would be vibrant though muted cooler colors; attempting to match what is perceived as medieval colors.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Brainstorming Game Ideas

Coming up with a good idea is both fun and a bit challenging.
in an attempt to design a new board game, I've been brain storming ideas, and the process is a bit uncomfortable at times, because each idea that begins to form, forms with  whole slew of ideas onto how the game could work, and develop. I assume this is good, since in development having thought of all of the issues and holes ahead of time and realizing where one wants to go can be good, it also made it hard not to become fixated on an idea, and rather move on to the next idea, and keep forming new concepts.
Anyway, I was able to come up with quite a few ideas, and then wittle it down to the few ideas i felt were the most promising:

1.     Rain drop game
           try to get home before the rain hits you. Possible mechanic, if you get to the other side, maybe you can purchase items to sabotage the other players?
2.     Game based on sabotage. (Trap?)
           goal is not so much to win as to make it so the rival player cannot win. Maybe set up traps that other player forced to blindly land on.
3.     A game with rotating cubes, to create a 3 dimensional board. Maybe use magnets to keep the pieces up?.
4.     Mountain climbing game.
           can try to make the board 3 dimensional. First one to the top wins!
5.     Game attempting to capture the experience of anger,
           Writing notes that you never send, fighting, yelling. How can this mechanic make something emotional fun.
6.     Winter is coming
           Possibly a snow ball fight or something a long those lines. Dressing warmly for winter. If one dresses warmly, the lose mobility points, but gain defense.
7.     Slay a creature
           A form of game where both parties build a farm of monsters. One can enter the other player’s farm and kill their live stock, giving them the upper hand.
8.     Cat and mouse
           Play as mice, attempting to get the cheese, but don’t let the cat get you!
9.     Dragon slayer
           all players battle one large boss creature in the center of the map, and the one who lands the death blow on the creature wins. Can spend time traveling the board upgrading stats.
10. Escape the labs.
           A team based game, where you must work together to get out of the CA/GA labs without failing a class. Must battle hallucinations and Ryland and jim bots in order to make it out alive.
11. Game with a catapult
           a game where one of the main goals is to fire objects over your opponents wall.  Game isn’t about destroying rivals wall, rather sending things over their wall that would help or hurt them.
12. Upgrade
           attempt to become the most powerful robot creation by downloading new parts. The more you down load the better suited you’ll be for battle against your rivals. Goal is to destroy your rivals.
13. It’s business time.
           game focusing on the concepts of starting, and succeeding in business.
14.  Lemonade stand
           create the most famous lemonade stand in town. Must sell lemonade to make income, but then use said money to make your lemonade better/ sabotage your opponents lemonade stand, so that you can gain the upper hand next turn around. not sure when this one ends. Maybe time based, so when it reaches 5 and your parental figure arrives home?
15. Shark frenzy
           Must find a way to escape the waters before a shark kills you. Can use boats, swim, what have you.
16. Paper pachinko.
           try to make a physics based game, on a 2 dimensional plane. How would one write easy to understand rules, which could mimic the falling of an object?
17.  Chutes and elevators.
            Create a board game with elevated platforms where one can utilize elevators to go to the upper floors.
18. All the money
           Game about fundraising. Each player represents a club, and the goal is to make your club the most affluent. Would need to attend SGA meetings, make baked goods, turn a profit, sell clothes. Etc.
19. Dating sim game
           attempt to gain the attention of a love interest. Could force a rival either to lose or be held up in game play but making them fall in love with your character avatar.
20. Body building game (I will pump you up/bums of steel)
           first to win a body building competition wins the game. Must statagize the use of stamina to each work out machine, to sculpt body in a most effective way. Can use products like steroids to have both positive and negative effects.
21. Zombie survival game
           have to escape the confines of a building before the zombies get you. If player dies, other player can become a zombie themselves and attempt to kill the other player to cause the game to become a draw.
22. Zombie: the pandemic
           play as zombies entering a crowded town/ city. Goal is to kill the most people, in turn turning them into further units to kill other humans. Goal is to eventually kill all humans.
23. There is a life outside
           Goal is to break ones hold on social media. How does one stay away? Could also be a game where you try to become a bigger internet celebrity by social media use, and making viral videos etc.
24. Help the hostage
           using team based strategy, either destroy all rival players, or move and protect the hostage character, getting them back to your base.

Of the games I brain stormed, I felt that number 24, 22, 21, 20, 14, 15, 12, 11, 9, 7 , 4, and 2 have the most promise. Of course being ideas I created I would love to pursue them all but alas that isn’t very feasible, so I would like to narrow them down to my five top ideas.

1.     I like the concept of the mechanics in 24, so that is one I’ll definitely look at fleshing that one out. Both parties would control the hostage player per turn, forcing you to work against each other, while working against each other. It sounds like it could result in very competitive fun play.
2.     I like zombies, but I only need one of those ideas, so 21 and 22 sort of become one idea, leaning more towards 22 as the primary idea. I feel that 22 would have a more interesting spread dynamic, but maybe I can draw in something where you can still infect rival players.
3.     I feel 14 has a lot of places it can go, based on randomized numbers of daily customers, and interesting way of upgrading ones stand and sabotaging your rival players.
4.     I really like the concept of 9, where you all have the same goal. This would force team play, but also a lot of strategy. Could have it so that when a character dies, they must go back to the start position, so if one feels a rival player is getting to close to winning, they could attempt to kill that player giving them more time to land the death blow to the dragon.
5.     50/50 on 7 and 2 as to which is a better idea.  They both seem like fun, though they both run into road blocks such as when do they end? In 2 if you sabotage a player so they can never reach the end, do you automatically win? Or with the goal of the game being to sabotage the other player, can you get trapped and now neither can reach the end so you are tied? With 7, do you win if you completely destroy the rivals farm? Can you use your famed creatures to attack your rivals? There are a lot of questions with both of these interesting concepts that make me wonder which one would actually be better.