Thursday, April 9, 2015

Particle Effect

Following a bit of cannon fire, which is relatively hard to see, I drive to the point in my level where my main particle effect of extreme damage is activated. A massive cloud of dust spray and dirt clouds fog your view, after a Ferris wheel crashes down and  opens the level.

This effect, though hard to see while in action, has a good deal of actions all happening at once. There is a gpu particle effect, of dust spraying upwards, with collision so they collide against and spray on the falling wheel, and landscape. This was a fun and annoying effect to achieve, tweaking values continuously inside of the velocity and scale of the cylinder location module.

the other main element is the explosion of dust in an expanding and fading ring. this has a color change over life, and a scale by life. as it expands out over its surface only cylinder location, it grows larger and moves up wards slightly, as it becomes whiter, and less opaque as its alpha values increase.

needless to say... particles are fun... and annoying.

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