Thursday, April 9, 2015


Like any good car, a speedometer is a necessity for a vehicle based game. Since i'm making one of those I have been researching ways in which to make a HUD. this display would show game important information, and in a vehicle game this is usually approximately 4 things.

Lap time
total level time
and if one's car can be destroyed some type of health indication.

Often times a gps map is a nice addition, but given the limited time remaining to create this display, for the time being I will not worry much about that.

so first as homage to my modeled vehicle, I looked up honda civic dashboards from the 90s:

Though these are nice enough in design, it seemed complicated to implement in game format. maybe by looking into HUDs from other games, I could see how one might work.

Hmmm.... looks like there are many ways to do it, but the hud rarely seems to show gas and rpm. I guess that makes sense, as those aren't really displaying necessary information for going fast. So with that in mind, what might I do for my own personal HUD? the honda i made, ha a dashboard display, most notable for its thre piece display, but making one of those for my hud, may be showing more information than i really need it to. perhaps better would be to build my hud based on my  level theme.

so that's what I've decided to do. So, now i bring you the stuff of some people's nightmares; MY HUD!

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