Thursday, February 12, 2015

Level StoryBoards

So my racing level begins simply enough with just introductions to major gamplay elements. First you enter the park, bursting through its locked gate and then you drive around the place.
 At the end of the first lap you set off some fire works. Time to celebrate right? wrong.Going around again all seems fine.... until a fire work comes dangerously close to the ferris wheel. OH GOD- it wasn't just close, it hit the wheel turning it into a spinning wheel of massive fiery death!
You follow the death wheel down the new branching course, back around the park. All seems pretty well  as the wheel spins up over a hill.... oh no. wait. what is this? the wheel is coming back? It's right behind you!

Oh thank what ever deity you call your own. you turn away just in time. Then another ride is in your path. driving into the twisting Tornado Slingshot, you are whirled into the air, where you are whipped back on track.

If you so choose, you may finish the lap using the vortex shortcut, bringing you back to the end of the last lap.
looking back over the carnage of your joy ride it seems pretty apparent that there may be some delays with the park opening tomorrow.

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