Thursday, September 17, 2015

Personal Project

For something to do during my very limited free time as a challenge to myself, I am going to do a 3d illustrative piece, based off of an abstract silhouette character design I recently made.
A bit calvin and hobes esque, this is a piece focusing on a kid in a dino costume, lecturing his stuffed animals. About what ? I'm unsure, but I like the idea. I want to focus on the architecture of the real world, and see if i cannot make something "simple but interesting". So to do this, I am making a child's bedroom. I think the hardest part is going to be set-dressing this project since children aren't known to be clean.

Here is the design which inspired the idea:
when I look at this character, I don't see him being the nicest of kids. but not the strongest either. His ratlike nose, and large head, make me think he is more the verbal bully, who often oversteps his bounds with schoolyard friends, making bigger more physical bullies beat him up. To counter this, he relies on his wits, and has developed a rather active imagination. I believe he is scolding his stuffed animals, because they are readying for the attack.
This explains his dino costume, complete with footie pajamas. This is his war paint.
I'm going to call this kid Victor. He looks like a Victor to me. sad to say I don't think if he is going up against the bigger kids, armed only with stuffed animals is he going to be the victor of any fights, but the name still suits him... even if it is because of irony. 

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