Monday, January 19, 2015

Basic Platformer, the begining...

One of the more fun things to do in the act of learning to create games, is simply coming up with an idea. What follows is a "rough draft" of a design for a simple tutorial level of a puzzle platformer I have been tasked with coming up with. This must explain all of the mechanics of play, and difficulty must ramp up as you progress through the level.

 Level 1: Break Out

  Your avatar (steve) wakes up in a cell with no way out... all of a sudden the phone rings. who is it? 
      • I'm imagining a simple puzzle platformer, with warp and trigger based puzzles. There are many forms of stories which could encapsulate a design like this, but having just watched "John dies in the end", I want to go for more of a science fiction, mind twist based surreal experience. This is going to take place in a form of a dystopian police state, future, where you find yourself inside of a compound, locked up- with only the drive of escape to lead you on.
      • You are leaving a prison that you don't remember how you got into, using only the guiding voice of a mysterious know it all. This voice is using camera systems to help guide you out. Supposedly they run a resistance force who stand against your captors. You are on the same side as the enemy of your enemy, because they are your friend, right? They'd never lead you astray...
      • Still it isn't as though you have many choices in this matter. However it is you arrived in this prison, it is obvious that the guards don't want you to leave. Maybe it is because of your strange ability to create these small worm holes in the world. Who ever imprisoned you here certainly doesn't want you to find them.
      • Like any dystopian future compound, the walls holding you in are impenetrable steel, rough welded together, attempting to contain strange and gnarly contraptions, keeping things in their wold running. large bundles of exposed cables, break and drape in all directions, as lights pulsate from machinery.
      • As you progress through this game, beyond this first level, further story will be revealed to you. this world has been in turmoil for some time. There was a civil war, leading to a police state dictatorship. If anyone questions what actions the dictator has done... they vanish. This Hasn't lead to prosperity. To keep people docile is expensive work, so all moneys have gone to war machines and guards. Up keep and human comforts are secondary. unnecessary walls crumble away, and only cold steel and heavy concrete seem to stand the test of time.
      • You were one of the people made to vanish. Until now little was known of what became of those who were taken, but it is revealed to you, that part of what is causing you to not remember anything has to do with what they've done to you. You were experimented on, your brain altered, and now you can somehow, with the power of these strange strange crystals, create wormholes. perhaps you can create more? Maybe this is a good thing. it is allowing you a means of escape. But what else may you release? What  lies on the other side?

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