Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Concept Pitch for computer animation for games

Had to create and pitch a level design that as a class, my classmates and I will build assets for, and then build a 3d world for. So today I pitched my idea- a mash up of steampunk/industrial revolution/ tesla technology, and Neo gothic architecture/ horror. As a class we voted on our favorite concepts, what we would most prefer to work on, and I came in 3rd.
Of course I would have liked to have been chosen, but my idea was verging on being outside of scope, so I'm not really complaining.

Here's some concept art I created to help sell my concept:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cool Game Trailer

I have a personal fondness for what could be called "dark art" meaning, gothic, or macabre, or nightmarish or what have you. I simply find something engrossing and beautiful about dark imagery. Maybe I'm just a weird man- Well honestly, I doubt there is much question there- But what ever the case, this has lead me to have a certain love of the horror genre.

When done right.

Now i'm new to a lot of things, so my opinion is perhaps limited by an experience bias, but as a consumer and audience member that doesn't change I know some things I like, and other things I don't. As a content creator, I understand that this is in many ways all that matters; the opinion of your consumers, so despite my lacking knowledge, I will still stand on my soapbox and shout out my views to those who will listen. 

Why did I just go into all of this?  I was just scanning the endless time suck that is youtube for beautiful trailers from E3 and I watched two trailers, back to back, one I liked, and one… well… thats why I'm writing. 

First the good. A beautiful gothic imagining of a turn of the century city, with some form of outbreak going on.
I give you BloodBorne (hope you are in a dark room).

So now i'll give you a second to recompose yourself and stop your skin from crawling. Beautiful right? Even not knowing what the central plot is, I want to explore the game, and find out what is happening. I was immersed in the video, so I can only picture the game would suck me in even further.

So now for the not so good.
Sigh, Daylight .

A bit of a difference in the experience, right?
Now to be fair, Daylight is from a year prior, but that doesn't make a massive difference in getting someone interested. Yes, advances in graphics capabilities are a real thing that happen as years go on, but that isn't the only thing that matters.

here- something from 2011: AliceMaddnessReturns

See what I mean? Okay fine argue it was made by a larger team- Because lets face it, the moment you see the EA games stamp, it immediately becomes likely that they have more man power than a small indie company (TeamZombie) currently listing a 6 person team as their entirety on their website, including the CEO. having a smaller team can definitely give you a weakness against other larger companies.

So maybe the trailer stands up better to games of past? I mean, what used to take weeks to do as a team in the past is now sort of seen as elementary; so i'm sure trailers from over a decade ago couldn't hold up.

here are two classic trailers of the horror genre from 1998.

So what is wrong with this Daylight trailer? Watching all of the other trailers, I genuinely want to play the games- even the old ones- But when watching that teaser for daylight I couldn't imagine spending my money on that game. I may not even take the time to download the game if it is free to play. But why?

Well I'd argue, because it simply leaves me confused. Don't get me wrong- it's pretty. Those hallways look quite creepy and i'd be afraid to go down them- sure. But I have no idea why I'd be going down them. Why was the doll floating? what are the blue lights? Basically what the hell is going on and why Do I care?

Yes- ambiguity can be a great thing. It can really sell a thriller. That is why the dark is scary- you don't know what might be around the next corner. So absolutely the trailer should leave you with some questions. It should leave you wanting more. But in order to want more, there has to be something to want. 
The trailer is missing basic story telling elements. Without some background- the trailer is simply surreal. There is no concept shown; just a doll, and some dark halls. The trailer's main falling in my opinion is making me care. I don't care that the doll is floating, or that the hallways are dark. A tablet shows the game title. I can assume that might be important- but I don't know.

But worst of all- I've since looked at other trailers of the game, primarily gameplay, not cinematic, and know what? The game actually looks pretty good! 

I guess that shows the power of a good versus a bad trailer. Daylight Seems like a genuinely good game- But alas, it's e3 trailer, wouldn't have made me buy the game. In fact It may have made me NOT buy the game. This is something I need to remember. A good trailer can sell a terrible game, and a terrible trailer can make people not want to play a great game. 

And truly I mean Team Zombie no slander. I just couldn't help but marvel at the trailer, and how confused it made me despite beautiful graphics. I guess graphics really aren't everything.